Ladder Logic Program For Mac

Posted By admin On 22.12.20

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A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) has some similarity to a personal computer (PC). It has a microprocessor, memory, input and output interfaces. However, unlike a PC, it does not have a keyboard, mouse, monitor or hard disk. And before for you ask, no – it can’t surf the net, check your social media status or play your favorite music and games.

A PLC is a specially designed digital controller that is microprocessor based and can be easily programmed to perform complex control tasks. They have been purpose-built for industrial applications in order to provide control and automation to machinery and processes with high accuracy and reliability. Programmable Logic Controller is more often than not abbreviated to PLC.

The most important difference between a Programmable Logic Controller and a Personal Computer is that the operating system of a PLC is extremely stable and reliable compared to a PC. PLCs have been specifically designed to be used in industrial automation applications so they also have a robust housings, higher interference immunity, built-in industrial communication protocols and are able to efficiently interface with large amounts of input and output devices.

A Brief History of the Programmable Logic Controller

The father of the PLC is noted as being Richard E Morley. Commonly known as Dick Morley, he was an American engineer who wasan expert in the field of computer design, artificial intelligence andautomation receiving numerous industry awards throughout his career. He was born in Clinton, Massachusetts on December 1, 1932 and died on October 17, 2017, in NewHampshire.

  • Ladder Logic Compiler is a small utility designed for LDmicro software. Generate virtual machine code that can be easily implemented on PIC, AVR or other microprocessors. Produce assembly like opcodes for PLC to handle contact, coil, relay, counters and other elements.
  • Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic 1 Part 1 (25 Points) Construct three different Ladder Logic programs, each building on the previous one: 1.1 Part 1A (5 Points) Construct a program that will simulate a push button activated LED. The program should satisfy the following requirements: 1. When Input0 is activated, Output1 should.
  • Logic Remote Touch and flow. Logic Remote lets you use your iPhone or iPad to control Logic Pro on your Mac. Use Multi-Touch gestures to play software instruments, mix tracks, and control features like Live Loops and Remix FX from anywhere in the room. Swipe and tap to trigger cells in Live Loops.

Dick Morley is credited with the inventionof the Programmable Logic Controller in 1968. He lead the team that spearheadedthe development of the first PLC while he was at at Bedford and Associates. The invention of the PLC was fuelled for theneed to automate the General Motors production facility.

The first Programmable Logic Controller wascalled a Modicon PLC. The name was a shortened version of modular digital controller. The introduction of theModicon PLC revolutionized industry and how industrial processes and machineswhere automated.

Modicon was the company that created the ModiconPLC in 1968. But since then Modicon have been owned by Gould, AEG and arepresently owned by Schneider. PLCs have certainly come along way since theirinception +50 years ago.

What are Programmable Logic Controllers Used For?

ProgrammableLogic Controllers are used to automate tasks that where traditionally controlledby hardwiredrelay logic control systems. PLCs are used to automatetasks like pushing, lifting, sorting, cutting, flipping, weighing,transporting, washing, drying, stacking, welding, sanding etc. The tasks that aPLC can be used to automate are virtually endless.

The difference between a PLC and a relay is that a PLC is a microprocessor based device whereas a relay is an electromechanical switching device. In order to provide intelligent control of processes and machinery a PLC needs to be programmed whereas relays need to be wired in combination with other relays.

BecausePLC architecture is based on a computer microprocessor, it is not restrained toonly perform hardwired relay logic type operations. Programmable LogicControllers can also perform other operations such as comparison, mathematics,timing, counting, sequencing, analogue signal processing, data manipulation andmore.

The industrial applications of a PLC arenumerous. They are used to automate applications such as assembly lines, fanand pumping systems, batching plants, robotics, material handling conveyors, stockpilingand reclaiming machines, packaging systems, grinding and milling plants,building management systems etc. The list of application is virtuallyunlimited.

Programmable Logic Controllers havepenetrated into almost every industry. Some of the industries that PLCs areused in include, but are not limited to, are manufacturing, mining, oil andgas, food and beverage, logistics and baggage handling, timber processing,irrigation, waste water processing, metal fabrication and welding, textiles andchemical processing.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a PLC?

To realize the advantages and disadvantagesof programmable logic controllers we need to compare them with other types ofcontrol systems.

The 4 main types of controllers used inindustrial control systems are relay logic, industrial PCs, microcontrollersand PLCs. Each type of controller has it’s advantages and disadvantages. Thetype of controller that is best suited will depend on the type and size of theautomation application.

A PLCsis best suited to automate a large amount of automation tasks, such as amanufacturing plant. free serum download for macRelays are bestsuited to automate a hand full of simple automation task, such as hopper levelcontrol. A Microcontrollers is bestsuited to automate an application with a fixed set of parameters and haspotential for mass production, like a washing machine. While an Industrial PC would be best suited whenhigh degrees of math computation is required, such as a flight simulator.

Thedifference between a PLC and a microcontroller lies in the architecture of theunits. Both have a microprocessor with inputs and outputs, but a PLC isdesigned to be expandable, accept and process large amounts of I/O and be ableto communicate with other devices. Whereas a microcontroller is usually purposebuilt for one particular automation task, at lower cost and usually for massproduction purposes.

What are the Advantages of a PLC?

The main advantages of a PLC are listedbelow:

  1. Compact and robust.
  2. Extremely reliable operating system.
  3. Fast processor execution time.
  4. Virtually maintenance free.
  5. Easily expandable due to its modular design.
  6. Lower power consumption compared to relay systems.
  7. Built in communication for remote I/O, instrumentation,other PLCs and SCADA.
  8. Can handle a large number of digital inputs and outputs.
  9. Able to process analogue input signals and PID loops.
  10. Multipleprogramming languages available.
  11. Largeprogramming instruction set.
  12. Easyto use programming interface via PC.
  13. Controllogic modifications easily done via software, no hard wire modificationsrequired.
  14. Installationcosts greatly reduced compared to relay systems.
  15. Excellentdocumentation facilities.
  16. Increasedability for fault finding and diagnostics.

What are the Disadvantages of a PLC?

  1. For simple applications where relay logic mightsuffice, using a PLC might blow out costs due to the need to hire a programmer.
  2. Math functions in a PLC are quite advanced, but when itcomes to doing large amounts of complex math computations then an industrial PCmight be better suited.
  3. Certain robotic and positioning applications mayrequire extremely high speed execution which may not be able to be achievedform a PLC.
  4. Can be expensive for automating an application withfixed parameters for mass production as compared to a microcontroller.

How Does a PLC Work?

The basic elements of a PLC that make it work are the Central Processing Unit (CPU), data memory, program memory, input modules and output modules. The PLC CPU continuously monitors the input signals, formulates decisions based on the application program and then controls the output signals to automate a process or a machine. The Programmable Logic Controller stores the application program in the program memory and stores the status of the inputs and outputs in the data memory.

A microprocessor based CPU (Central Processing Unit) is what controls processes within the PLC. The block diagram below simplifies the process flow within the PLC. The inputs are read and their status stored in the data memory, the data is transferred to the application program and processed, the data memory is updated and finally the outputs executed.

Inputs are field devices such as button, switches and instrumentation which are used to decide when and how the machine will operate. Inputs are wired directly into to the PLC or via input modules.

Outputs are field devices such as relays, motor contactors, solenoid valves, lamps and sirens which cause the machine to operate and provide feedback to the machine operator. Outputs are wired directly out of the PLC or via output modules.

Data Memory is where inputs and outputs are declared andallocated to memory locations. The data memorystores the status of the inputs and outputs and is continually updated by theapplication program.

Program Memory is where the application program (such as ladderdiagram) is stored and processed. The programmemory needs to be loaded with a program so that it can do stuff. If there’s no application program loaded inthe program memory, the PLC is just an expensive paper weight.

Basic Operation of a Programmable Logic Controller

Even though a PLC has a CPU just like aPC, the internal operation is not quite the same. PLCs are designed to beextremely reliable and therefore have a fixed and dedicated internal process.This process is called the PLC scan cycle.

The PLC scan cycle is a sequential and repetitive process that has 3 basic tasks. Evaluate inputs, process the application program and execute outputs. The tasks in the PLC scan cycle are strictly performed in a certain order and in an endless cyclical manner.

Some Programmable Logic Controller fromdifferent manufacturers may have slight variations to the scan cycle, but the 3tasks mentioned above are common to all.

The PLC scan is part of the second task (processprogram) in the scan cycle and refers to the way in which the CPU processes theapplication program. During the PLC scan the rungs of the application programare processed from left to right and top to bottom. The CPU continuallyupdates the status of each the inputs, outputs and internal variables in thedata memory but only executes the outputs at the end of the PLC scan.

This issuper important to remember because it can affect the way the program isevaluated. As a consequence the PLC Scan sequence may force you to modify theway your application program is written in order to achieve the correct processcontrol outcome.

The scantime is the total time that it takes for the PLC to complete one full scancycle. The scan time is universally expressed in milliseconds (ms). The PLCscan time is an essential metric to measure and be aware of because it can haveadverse effects on the PLCs ability to control the application, especially if thespeed of your application is faster than your PLC scan time.

Insummary, the basic working principles of a PLC is that it monitor the status ofthe machine and process, then makes decisions bases on the logical functionscreated by the ladder logic program stored in the PLC’s memory. Pycharm professional 4.5. TheProgrammable Logic Controller then initiates output signals to control thebehavior of the machine or process.

PLC Automation

When itcomes to industrial automation the PLC is literally considered to be the“brains of the operation”. It’s a programmable device that makes all thedecisions on how a machine is controlled depending on the data gathered fromfield instrumentation and operator feedback.

To betterunderstand PLC automation we can compare to how the human brain works. If we lookat the human brain we realize it relies on our five senses of sight, hearing, smell, tasteand touch to understand what our environment is doing. Also, the humanbrain controlsmovement in our body to create actions such as walking, running, kicking a balletc.

So let’s say we sense that our body is getting hot. Thenwe can roll our sleeves up a little too cool down. We can actually roll oursleeves up and down to regulate our body temperature to what feels comfortable.If we’ve rolled up our sleeves all the way and we are still too hot after acertain amount of time and we can’t tolerate it any more then we can take oursweater off.

How would a Programmable Logic Controller Automate an Industrial Application?

Just like the human brain relies on information providedby our senses, a Programmable LogicController requiresinstrumentation to measure it’s surroundings. These are known as PLC inputs.

And just like the human brain uses data gathers from thebody’s senses to decide on what actions are required to be taken, a PLC gathersinformation from instrumentation and uses the application program to decidewhat actions are required to be taken.

The information gathered by instrumentation is stored inthe data memory and the application program is stored in the program memory.

Lastly, just like the brain controls movement in ourbody, a PLC controls movements in a machine using electric, pneumatic andhydraulic devices. These are known as PLC outputs.

Let’s Connect a Programmable Logic Controller with Input and Output devices for a Basic Temperature Control Application.

If we connect a temperature sensor as a PLC input we can measure how hot it is. Then if we connect an electric fan as a PLC output we can regulate the temperature.

A PLC is just a boat anchor if it does not have a program stored in its memory. For a PLC to automate an application we need to define our control objectives in order to be able to program some control logic expressions.

A basic functional description of a basic temperaturecontrol application could be….

  1. If thetemperature measured increases above a certain threshold, the Programmable Logic Controller canswitch an electric fan on to cool down the system.
  2. Then ifthe temperature measured increases or decreases the Programmable Logic Controller canadjust the speed of the fan to regulate the temperature to maintain a certainlevel.
  3. Once thetemperature reduces below a certain threshold, for a certain period of time,then the electric fan can be switched off.

Remember,the level of PLC automation is only as good as the information gathered by instrumentationand the quality of the application program contained in it’s memory. So a goodprogram with solid logic expressions will ensure trouble free operation.

APLC can control industrial automation applications. The amount of applicationsthat a PLC can control are endless, but here are just a few examples….

  1. Controlling the level of a process watertank by monitoring the tank level and varying the speed of an inlet pump.
  2. Controlling the temperature of a dryingoven by monitoring it’s internal temperature and varying the burner controlvalve position.
  3. Controlling the starting and stoppingsequence of a series of material handling conveyors.

The PLC Control System

A PLC system is the combinationof various hardware and software components. Each component plays a specificand important role in the overall PLC control system. The essential elements that make up a PLC control system are the PLCitself, peripheral input and output devices, Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) anda programming device.

Ladder Logic Software For Mac

PLC Input devices include instrumentation like switches,sensors and push buttons. PLC Outputdevices include equipment such as electric motors and actuators. They areeither hardwired to the PLC or connected via a fieldbus (communication link)such as Ethernet IP, Profibus, Modbus etc).

Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) form the bridgebetween the operator and the PLC by allowing operator control and providingvisual and audible feedback. They include devices such as touch screens, SCADAsystems (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) and hardwired controlpanels that have switches, push buttons and indicator lamps.

A PLC Programming device isneeded to be able to configure and program the PLC control system. In the pastdedicated programming terminals were used, but today a PC is the tool ofchoice.

The PLC System works by acceptsthe input device signals, process the data according to the program stored in thePLCs memory and then activating the appropriate outputs to control the machineor process.

A basic block diagram of PLC control systems is shown below:

Because a Programmable Logic Controller is specialized to execute it’sscan cycle it performs with high speed and with extremely high reliability.This is essential for maintaining high reliability for PLC machine control andprocess automation.

Imagine the Programmable LogicController crashing, just like your home PCoperating system, midway through a machine operation. It can be dangerous topersonnel, production and equipment causing injury, damage, downtime andunnecessary expense.

ProgrammableLogic Controllers have alsobeen designed, unlike the home PC, to operate under harsh industrialenvironments where electrical noise and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI)exist.

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They generally, but not always, require a separate powersupply and have input and output terminal strips for connection of electricaldevices. For some PLC machine control applications extendable and remotemounted input and output modules are usually available.

These days PLC machine control systems have communicationoptions such as Ethernet/IP (Allen Bradley), Profinet (Siemens) and ModbusTCP/IP (Modicon), to name a few. PLC machine control system communicationoptions such as these allow for networking with other PLC’s, remoteinput/output modules, instrumentation, motors, actuators and Human MachineInterfaces (HMI) such as touchscreens and SCADA systems.

In the next section we will examine the current PLC Manufacturers in today’s automation industry, their ranking, revenues and the latest PLC products on offer. To go to the next section click here.

If you’d like to learn the basics of ladder logic programming then click here.

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Related:Ladder Logic Software - Ladder Logic - Ladder Logic Shareware - Ladder Logic Programming - Ladder Logic Examples

Ladder Logic Program For Mac Free

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