Free Excel Activation Code
Posted By admin On 20.12.20Create registration key to activate hardware locked workbook. XCell Compiler offers very easy and hassle-free Excel workbook copy protection. You do not need to have any programming skills to have completely professional copy protection for your Excel spreadsheet. You do not need any additional hardware like dongles or hardware keys. At the new, you can use basic versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote for free in your browser. They’re the same Microsoft Office apps you’re used to, only they run online and are 100% free. Expression A variable that represents a Worksheet object. This event doesn't occur when you create a new window. When you switch between two windows showing the same workbook, the WindowActivate event occurs, but the Activate event for the workbook doesn't occur. To use this code you need to select the cell from where you want to start the serial numbers and when you run this it shows you a message box where you need to enter the highest number for the serial numbers and click OK. And once you click OK, it simply runs a loop and add a list of serial numbers to the cells downward. No, It is not possible for you to have a registration code for Passper for excel for free. You may see different links on web claiming to have registration codes, but this is not true. As the system we use to deal with the registration codes is highly efficient and can detect the exact use of registration code. Barcodes, in general, are codes which can be only readable by machines, they are basically lines and bars which are codes for characters, barcodes in excel are fonts which represents characters we provide, in excel by default we do not have any font available for barcodes, we need to install a separate font in order to use barcodes in excel from a third party.
XCell Compiler offers very easy and hassle-free Excel workbook copy protection. You do not need to have any programming skills to have completely professional copy protection for your Excel spreadsheet. You do not need any additional hardware like dongles or hardware keys.
You can get the following benefits when you use software-based XCell Compiler Registration Key tool:
- Hardware locking! Lock your excel application to a specific customer’s computer without any hardware dongles.
- Block illegal copying from one computer to another. You can chose on which computer, or computers, your protected workbook will start.
- Simple and effective protection procedure, everything has already been done for you!
- Protect your excel application from being reverse engineered and analyzed by others.
- Create an evaluation (trial) version of your protected workbook! You can easily create a trial/demo version of your excel application, with an adjustable trial period and an option to upgrade the workbook from trial mode into a fully functional registered one by sending the activation/registration key file to your customer by e-mail.
- Flexible license. You will be able to set the date of license expiration.
- License extension. You can easily extend your client’s license after expiration without having to recompile the application.
Registration key tool usage example
Let’s consider an example of the hardware locking process and registration key tool usage.
1. Open your workbook in Excel. We will use the Sample.xls workbook for this example.
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2.Compile the workbook with the “Copy Protection With Registration Key” and “Hardware Locking” options checked, as shown below.
Please note that if the “Copy Protection With Registration Key” option is selected then the “Limit application usage period” option is inaccessible. The date limit can be set during the process of the regkey generation (see below). After compilation, the Sample.exe file in the target folder will be created.
3. When you or your customer will try to start the Sample.exe file without a registration (activation) key, the ‘Registration key is not found’ message will appear, as shown below.
Let’s consider how to create a registration key for a copy-protected application. Bakoma tex crack.
4. Click the “Registration Key Tool” menu item via the following path: Excel main menu ‘DoneEx >> XCell Compiler >> Registration Key Tool’ .
Registration Key Tool window will be opened.
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5. Fill out the fields as follows:
- The ‘Path to compiled Exe’ field. Browse until you find Sample.exe you’ve created in the previous steps.
- The ‘Application Name’ field is filled out automatically from the EXE file.
- Put the customer name and the customer email address into the corresponding fields of the form.
- Now the most important information is the computer id, please copy/type the computer id into the “Customer Computer ID” field.
- You can also put a date restriction on the registration file by checking on the ‘Limit application usage period’ option.
- When you click the ‘Create RegKey’ button, the Regkey Tool will create ‘sample.rkey’ (If you use your workbook with different name then the name of regkey will be: <name of your workbook>.rkey) in the same directory where your compiled file is located.
- You can send the generated regkey file to your customer, so that the compiled Sample.exe will run only on his/her computer.
With the steps above you can protect your excel application from being copied illegally from one computer to another.